Video tutorials of read and write Seagate F3 series HDDs by MRT Please click here to download the video tutorial: Follow is explanation file of video tutorial. The file is from MRT laboratory In ma

Posted at 13-08-09 by Admin views(3145)

Repair Seagate first ready after a long busy breakdown by MRT Download address of this video tutorial: Click the link above to download the video tutorial of this file. Seagate first ready after a lon

Posted at 13-06-05 by Admin views(5534)

In the process of data recovery, sometimes we need to use COM port. Some HDDs, such as Seagate, Toshiha, Samsung, they provide COM port except SATA interface, so that it could link HDD and command through COM port when HDD breakdown. MRT data recover

Posted at 13-05-21 by Admin views(6679)
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