Summary of FAT file system 4

• Bits 9-15:1980 few years after the effective value of 0-127, the range can be expressed is 1980-2107 years. 
Time Format: 
• Bits 0-4: seconds to 2 seconds as a unit, valid values ​​0-29, (actually represent 0 - 58 seconds). 
       Bits 5-10: points, valid values ​​are 0-59. 
       Bits 11-15: When, Valid values ​​are 0-23. 
Valid time range is 00:00:00 - 23:59:58. 
 Filename first 0 Byte (DIR_Name [0]) is rather special, specially raised to note: 
       If DIR_Name [0] is equal to 0xE5, it indicates that the directory entry is empty, it had been used, but has been removed, and now is not occupied by any file or folder. 
       If DIR_Name [0] is equal to 0x00, it indicates that the directory entry is empty, and no directory entry after that the (all DIR_Name after this [0] value will be 0x00). If you see a FAT system program a DIR_Name [0] value 0x00, do not read further down the directory entry, because they are all empty it. 
       If DIR_Name [0] is equal to 0x05, then in fact completely equivalent to 0xE5. Because 0xE5 special applications, so instead of using 0x05 0xE5, regardless of the system can handle the Japanese want the file name will not cause such as an empty entry in the Japanese character set.
The following characters can not appear anywhere in the DIR_Name on: 
       Less than 0x20 character (in the DIR_Name [0] except 0x05) 
       0x22, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0x5B, 0x5C, 0x5D, and 0x7C.
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