Seagate Generation 14 1CH Series Head Shielding Tutorial

Seagate Generation 14 1CH Series Head Shielding Tutorial

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MRT software has added a new disk repair function in its recent software upgrade. In this new version, we can shield any head we want in Seagate generation 14 1CH series. In the previous version, MRT can already support the head shielding of Seagate 5400.6 series. There is no big difference in the operations between head shielding of Seagate generation 14 1CH and 5400.6 series, but we should pay attention to some small details. Here we will describe the specific steps of Seagate generation 14 1CH series head shielding with words and illustrated pictures:

One: Generate the relevant files required for head shielding
When the disk is ready, click "Tools->Disk repair tools->Seagate shield head", select 1CH-- in Disk Type, and Other is for those previously-supported series. Then we click "HDD loading file", after the backup is done, it will load the ROM, load CP module of 13 and module 03 of the disk automatically. Next we select the head we want to shield, and it will automatically calculate the new capacity out, it will use standard value (LBA) in default setting, but we do not have to use it. When we do not use standard value (LBA), calculated capacity will be different from which we use default standard value. When we do not use standard value, it is recommended to manually reduce the new capacity a little bit, otherwise the translator is easy to fail in its recalculation. And that is the reason why we would like to suggest users to use default standard value. Finally we click head shielding, relevant files required for head shielding will be generated and saved in the folder named CutHead.

Seagate Generation 14 1CH Series Head Shielding Tutorial

Two: Load the generated new ROM, and select "Patch_SimErr_ReminInBootFW", then click " Create virtual boot", after we get the notice of "succeed to create DM boot", click "Write virtual boot".

Seagate Generation 14 1CH Series Head Shielding Tutorial

Three: When the write is successfully done, manually power off and on, and click "exchange commands", we can see whether this operation is done successfully from task information.

Seagate Generation 14 1CH Series Head Shielding Tutorial

Four: Load Loader or module 3D and select latter four options, and click "Download virtual boot resources".

Seagate Generation 14 1CH Series Head Shielding Tutorial

Five: The disk will be ready when the download is finished.

Seagate Generation 14 1CH Series Head Shielding Tutorial

Six: Update microcode under ATA mode, and format system area, please noted that, if we do not update microcode in advance, it will get LED error when we format system area.

Seagate Generation 14 1CH Series Head Shielding Tutorial

Seven: Update microcode under ATA mode again, write module objects in batch. If we power off and on without recalculating translator, we will get "No Host FIS-ReadyStatusFlags 0002A1A1" in terminal interface, as shown in the picture:

Seagate Generation 14 1CH Series Head Shielding Tutorial

Eight: Recalculate translator, power off and on and re-identify device.

Seagate Generation 14 1CH Series Head Shielding Tutorial

Nine: Write back generated ROM, formate user area, and the whole process is done.

From MRT Lab
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